
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Deodorize with baking soda. Sprinkle a bit into your shoes every night when you take them off. Before you put your shoes on in the morning, take the shoes outside and clap the soles together to get rid of excess powder.
  1. Use cedar insoles or chips. Cedar has anti-fungal properties and is often used to deodorize clothes. The insoles would stay in your shoes, while the chips would need to be inserted at night and removed in the morning.

  2. Put in odor-control insoles. Odor-controlling insoles can be cut to fit the shape of your sole, and come in several different colors. These work well for sandals, high heels or open-toed shoes.

    • Secure the insole with small strips of double-sided tape or dabs of rubber cement. These will help the insole stay in place while keeping it easily removable.
  3. Freeze out the smell. Put your shoes in freezer-size sealable plastic bags (one per shoe, if necessary) and put them in the freezer overnight. The cold should kill any fungus or bacteria causing the odor.

  4. Use silver shoe linings. Linings containing silver are anti-microbial and can inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria.

  5. If your shoes are washable, give them a bath. Either chuck them in the washing machine or submerge them in a detergent bath for a gentler clean. Be sure to clean the inside, especially, (the insole, too) and let all the parts of the shoe dry before using again.

Preventing Smell

  1. 1
    Wash your feet every day or every other day with antimicrobial soap. If fungus or bacteria is what's causing your feet and shoes to smell, it's a good idea to attack the smell at the source. Every day when taking a shower, give both of your feed a good, sudsy wipe-down with antimicrobial or antibacterial soap.

    • Find out if washing your feet every day with antimicrobial soap will dry them out. Washing them every day might leave them dry and cracked. If your feet get dry, moisturize them with after washing and consider washing your feet with antimicrobial wash every other day.
  2. 2
    Alternate shoes. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row. This gives them a chance to air out before you wear again.

  3. 3
    Wear socks when possible. Breathable cotton socks help absorb some of the moisture from your feet, keeping your shoes a bit cleaner.
    • If you're wearing flats or high heels, you can wear socks that won't show. They should be cut so that they only cover the back of your heel, the sides and bottom of your feet, and the front of your toes.

    • Use running socks. They apply "moisture-wicking" technology which helps to keep your feet dry.

  4. 4
    Wear shoes that fit you. When your shoes don't fit you, your feet could sweat more than usual (aside from being incredibly uncomfortable). Get fitted before buying shoes and don't be afraid to see a podiatrist if your feet begin to hurt you.

  5. 5
    Wear shoes that have breathable fabrics. It's not a horribly revolutionary idea, but wearing shoes with more breathable fabrics will cut down on foot-sweat and odor. Synthetic fabrics usually do not breathe well.[1] The most breathable fabrics include:

    • Cotton
    • Linen
    • Leather
    • Hemp
  6. 6
    Put deodorant on your feet. This might sound weird, but keep in mind that your feet sweat too. Buy a stick of deodorant that is meant only for your feet (that is, don't use it anywhere else) and apply it every morning.

  7. 7
    Put baby powder or Gold Bond on your feet before you cover up with socks. If your feet start smelling when they get damp, then a good way to keep them from getting damp (aside from giving them a breather every once in a while) is to powder them with baby or talcum powder. The powder has a pleasant, but subtle, smell to it and could help your feet from sweating in the first place.

  8. 8
    Give your shoes a nice airing out. Your feet need airing up, but so do your shoes. When it's nice and sunny outside, don't hesitate to let your shoes play outside — without you. That's it...give them a nice break!

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