
Friday, January 17, 2014


Former President of Zanzibar Dr Abeid Amani Karume with First Vice President of Zanzibar His Exellency Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad, jointly launched the book celebrating  50 years of Revolution in Peace Memorial Museum in Zanzibar.

The launch was followed by exhibition in the Peace Memorial Museum with over  over 100 pictures and the historic exhibition will be  open for school children of  Zanzibar, free of charge.

Javed  Jafferji who is mastermind  and creator of this book and  exhibition said  "I am very happy to have this historic launch in Peace Memorial  Museuem , I am so happy to get support from Honourable Abeid Amani Karume and Maalim Seif shariff Hamad to participate in this book by contributing for forword and introduction. The book took almost one year to design, publish and print, this is the best book which I have published in last 20 years."

Javed is acclaimed photographer and has published almost 60 books on Tanzania. He was awarded as one of Africa’s Top 100 people as well by some time ago. This was for his efforts to promote Africa and his contribution by promoting Tanzania over the span of his career.

He is also a film maker and has produced a number of films promoting the islands of Zanzibar along with other acclaimed documentaries and feature film Glamour: The Reality Behind Dreams which was shown in last year’s film festival alongside a documentary on First Vice President on Zanzibar, Journey to the State House: The Life of Seif Shariff Hamad. He is also the producer for a number of other feature films from the island including: Black Magic, Lovers Island , Room No 13 and Zamora. Many of his films has won international and national awards.

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