
Monday, June 22, 2015


Particularly the Dodsal Group Dubai
  • Notice to All Expatriates
  • Notice to Mr. Rajen Kilachand, The Chairman of Dodsal Group Dubai
  • Notice to Dr. Jogendra Nath Sahu, Dodsal Group Dar es Salaam
  • Notice to Milembe Company
  • And whomever concerned directly or indirectly.

My Name is Bishop Charles Gadi the servant of the Almighty God.

Due to your evil doings, I declare that you have made me your God and that for the evil you did in my farm I will not even need any help from God Almighty, because in Joshua 6:26 the word of God says “cursed is he who will build this town (Jericho/Dodsal Group) again. He will lay its foundations by expense in death of his first born son, and will erect its gates by the expense in death of his last son. God has given me this authority over people who don’t want to obey laws and authority of the country.

I am giving all of you  72 hours to close your plant AND LEAVE THE PREMISES.

If you will not heed to this order TO CLOSE AND LEAVE after the allotted time, these things will follow:

  • All external expatriates working  in the plant will go back to their nations insane
  • All other workers working in the plant will be hopeless in everything.
  • After 72 hours the plant will not be there.
  • I will be the last man to be wronged with such a great evil by the chairman of Dodsal Group Mr. Rajen Kilachand.
  • You wrongly believe that your money can by everything including human rights and human life, this time you will not succeed.
  • You promised me through a letter in September 2014 that you will pay me before starting drilling. But now you have drilled 3000m (3km)  deep, sleeping in hotels with your companions, enjoying yourselves without a consent from the owner. You have prevented me from doing any development on my farm for 2 years, littered the place with human and chemical waste, plus destroying the vegetation. Up to now you are not showing any efforts to negotiate with the owner of the farm. Only in this country you may do such things and sleep comfortably, but not in any other country.
  • Within 71 hours, anything can be done including negotiations between you and the owner, but after 72 hours I emphasis nothing can be done, Neither God, nor me will be able to change the situation.
  • God who introduced me in Hyderabad India by heavy rainfall and Thunderstorm on 6th June 2015, the same will introduce me to you. For my reference refer:  Heavy rainfall in Hyderabad/ABN News (06-06-2015)-YouTube- 

So from Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 26th June 2015 at 4:00 pm you need to vacate the premises and leave it clear.

God has magnified his WORD above his Name.


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