Siku hizi watu wanaona kuhack ni kama fashion, au kama sifa. Wrong.
Pengine ni kwa sababu nchini Tanzania hakuna sheria nzuri dhidi ya
hackers wa websites (ambao sio wengi kwa sasa TZ) na wale wa accounts.
Hawa wa accounts ndio kama utitiri kwa jinsi walivyozagaa. Mtu
kachungulia password yako ulivyokuwa unaandika, baadae anaingia kwenye
account yako and the next thing you know na yeye anajiita hacker.
Anyway, back to the topic: Njia watumiazo hackers
1. Phising(inatamkwa “fishing”)
Hii ni njia ambayo hutumiwa na wengi sana hasa kama anayetaka
kumdhuru siyo makini au hana ujuzi sana wa masuala ya technology. Nasema
hivi kwa sababu mimi binafsi nimekuwa nikitumia njia hii kwa miaka
kadhaa na kadri muda unavyozidi kwenda watu wanazidi kuelimika hivyo
inapoteza nguvu.
Kinachofanyika kwenye phishing ni kwamba, hacker anatengeneza ukurasa
unaofanana sasa sawia na ukurasa halisi wa website anayotaka kujua
password yako. Mfano halisi ni facebook. Hacker atatengeneza ukurasa
unaofanana na wa facebook kwa KILA KITU kiasi kwamba utashindwa kugundua
tofauti yoyote ile (ipo, nitakuonyesha). Basi, wewe utakachofanya ni
kuweka username yako na password kisha utalogin. Ule ukurasa feki
utachukua username na password zako na kumpelekea yule hacker, kisha
wewe utakupeleka kwenye ukurasa wako wa facebook. Kama kawaida.
Angalia hizi kurasa mbili:
Utajiuliza, “anawezaje kutengeneza page inayofanana KAMA facebook
yenyewe? It’s pretty easy actually lakini nikitoa maelekezo itakuwa kama
ninachochea wizi, so…..NO.
Jinsi ya kujikinga:
It’s quite easy! Kama nilivyosema mwanzo. Hii trick ni kwa mtu asiye na uelewa sana na tech. Mambo ya kuangalia ni haya:
1. Address
Adress ya ukurasa feki siku zote itakuwa tofauti na original. The
original facebook address ni www.facebook.com na address nyingine yoyote
isiyo na address hiyo basi siyo original. Kuna vitu vingine vingi
vinavyotofautisha page feki na halisi.Take a look below:
Tofauti za kuziona:
1. Address sio ya facebook. Angalia pale juu kwenye www utaona ni website nyingine kabisa
2.Page ya login ya facebook(sio homepage) ina title ya
“login”(nimeelezea kwenye picha). Ila hii feki, au nyingine yoyote, ina
title tofauti. Angalia tofauti ya muunganiko wa maneno.
3. Chini kwenye copyright napo ni tofauti. Kwenye page original
copyright information inabadilika na mwaka ila ile feki mwaka ule
iliyotengenezwa ndio hiyo hiyo.
4. Lugha zilizowekwa kwenye footer ni tofauti.
Hayo ni machache yanayoonekana kirahisi ambayo unaweza kuyachunguza.
Hivyo, ukitumiwa link na ikakupeleka kwenye ukurasa wa facebook,
usikimbilie tu kuweka details ila angalia hivyo vitu kwanza.
Aliyekutumia anaweza akawa anataka kukuibia password tu.
2. Keylogging
Hii ni njia nyingine ambayo yenyewe ni ngumu kiasi kutambulika kwa
haraka, lakini unaweza kujua. Keylogging yenyewe inatumia kitu kinaitwa
keylogger ambayo ni software. Hacker anaiweka hiyo keylogger kwenye
computer na yenyewe inachofanya ni kurecord keystrokes zinazochapwa
kwenye keyboard. Let me explain:
Kila kitufe unachobonyeza kwenye keyboard kabla hata haujaona kwenye screen huwa kwenye binary form. Hii ni hupelekwa lugha ya computer inayotumia namba 0 na 1 tu. Ina maana, ukiandika labda “g”, kwenye computer inaenda kama 01100100 na kisha inakuwa interpreted halafu ndio inakuja kwenye screen sasa kama “g”. Hii inamaanisha, hata password yako ukiwa unaiandika, labda password yako ni ‘givenality’, kule itaenda kama 01000111010010010101011001000101010011100100000101001100010010010101010001011001 (hii sijabuni ila ndio neno ‘givenality’ lilivyo in binary language). Kwa vile ni password ina maana kule inakuwa interpreted halafu kwako itakuja kama **********. Sasa hizi keyloggers zinachofanya ni kwamba, punde baada ya kuwa interpreted, inazidaka herufi kabla hazijaja kwenye screen halafu ndio zinatokea pale kama *********. Ina maana,hacker yeye atakuacha uingie kwenye account yako kwenye hiyo computer, kisha yeye atakuja kwa urahisi tu na kufungua keylogger yake kuangalia imedaka nini na nini. “Ahaa!” Yes, ndio wanavyofanya, hivyo usiwe unajiaminisha kirahisi rahisi ukipewa computer/laptop na mtu tena hasa hapa Bongo na wewe unaenda tu.
Kila kitufe unachobonyeza kwenye keyboard kabla hata haujaona kwenye screen huwa kwenye binary form. Hii ni hupelekwa lugha ya computer inayotumia namba 0 na 1 tu. Ina maana, ukiandika labda “g”, kwenye computer inaenda kama 01100100 na kisha inakuwa interpreted halafu ndio inakuja kwenye screen sasa kama “g”. Hii inamaanisha, hata password yako ukiwa unaiandika, labda password yako ni ‘givenality’, kule itaenda kama 01000111010010010101011001000101010011100100000101001100010010010101010001011001 (hii sijabuni ila ndio neno ‘givenality’ lilivyo in binary language). Kwa vile ni password ina maana kule inakuwa interpreted halafu kwako itakuja kama **********. Sasa hizi keyloggers zinachofanya ni kwamba, punde baada ya kuwa interpreted, inazidaka herufi kabla hazijaja kwenye screen halafu ndio zinatokea pale kama *********. Ina maana,hacker yeye atakuacha uingie kwenye account yako kwenye hiyo computer, kisha yeye atakuja kwa urahisi tu na kufungua keylogger yake kuangalia imedaka nini na nini. “Ahaa!” Yes, ndio wanavyofanya, hivyo usiwe unajiaminisha kirahisi rahisi ukipewa computer/laptop na mtu tena hasa hapa Bongo na wewe unaenda tu.
Jinsi ya kujikinga:
Kila keylogger ina login screen ambayo aliyeiweka itabidi aweke
password ndio aingie. Huwezi kuingia lakini unaweza kujua kama ipo.
Kwenye windows, bonyeza Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M kwa wakati mmoja
(zishikirie). Ukiona inakuja screen inataka uweke password, basi jua
hiyo computer imewekewa keylogger na sio salama.
Hizo ndio njia kuu mbili ambazo hackers wengi hasa wa Tanzania
hupenda kutumia, especially wale wanaojifunza. Kwa vile sasa hivi
umeshajua na jinsi ya kujilinda, account zako hazitakuwa na matatizo
3. Stealer's
Almost 80% percent people use stored passwords in their browser to
access the Facebook. This is quite convenient, wakati fulani inaweza
ikawa extremely dangerous. Stealer's are software's specially designed
to capture the saved passwords stored in the victims Internet browser.
4. Session Hijacking
Mara nyingi hii inatokea kama unaaccessing Facebook on a http (non
secure) connection.In Session Hijacking attack, a hacker steals the
victims browser cookie
which is used to authenticate the user on a website, and use it to
access the victims account. Session hijacking is widely used on LAN, and
WiFi connections.
5. Sidejacking With Firesheep
Sidejacking attack went common in late 2010, however it's still
popular now a days. Firesheep is widely used to carry out sidejacking
attacks. Firesheep only works when the attacker and victim is on the
same WiFi network. A sidejacking attack is basically another name for
http session hijacking, but it's more targeted towards WiFi users.
6. Mobile Phone Hacking
Ma milioni ya watu wanaotumia facebook wanaaccess kupitia simu zao. In
case the hacker can gain access to the victims mobile phone then he can
probably gain access to his/her Facebook account. Their are a lots of
Mobile Spying softwares used to monitor a Cellphone. The most popular
Mobile Phone Spying software's are: Mobile Spy, and Spy Phone Gold.
7. DNS Spoofing
If both the victim and attacker are on the same network, an attacker
can use a DNS spoofing attack and change the original Facebook page to
his own fake page and hence can get access to victims Facebook account.
8. USB Hacking
If an attacker has physical access to your computer, he could just
insert a USB programmed with a function to automatically extract saved
passwords in the Internet browser.
9. Man In the Middle Attacks
If the victim and attacker are on the same LAN and on a switch based network, a hacker can place himself between the client and the server, or he could act as a default gateway and hence capturing all the traffic in between.10. Botnets
Botnets are not commonly used for hacking Facebook accounts, because of it's high setup costs. They are used to carry more advanced attacks. A Botnet is basically a collection of compromised computer. The infection process is same as the key logging, however a Botnet gives you additional options for carrying out attacks with the compromised computer. Some of the most popular Botnets include Spyeye and Zeus.
Jinsi ya kutengeneza Password nzuri na salama
Mara nyingi watu wamekuwa wakiibiwa
account zao za mitandao kutokana na kutumia password isiyokuwa na
protection ya kutosha. Wengi hudhani kuna ni ujuzi wa aliyeiba password
ndio umesababisha hilo lakini honestly, ni wewe mwenyewe.Katika dunia
hii, ukiachana na Tanzania, Internet security imekuwa ni jambo ambalo
wegi huwa hawalipi kipaumbele na huishia kutengeneza password ambayo
‘ataikumbuka kirahisi’. Ok so may be utaandika labda “mnazimmoja” au
“walinazi” kwa sehemu unayoishi au chakula ukipendacho.
But, does that mean hii password haiwezi kuwa nzuri zaidi? Mambo ya kuzingatia utengenezapo password ni haya:
Password nzuri inabidi ianzie herufi 8 kuendelea. Kadri password yako inavyozidi kuwa ndefu ndio kidogo strength inaongezeka na inamuwia vigumu mtu mwingine kuotea. Maneno mafupi kama “matairi” au “given” si salama kutumia kama password, be creative!
KAMWE! Epuka kabisa kutumia maneno yaliyozoeleka. Sio tu kwa sababu mtu anaweza kuotea kwa urahisi ila kwa sababu pengine sio mtu anayeotea, pengine ni computer. Kuna kitu fulani tunakiita “Dictionary Attack“, hii ni tool ambayo hujaribu KILA NENO lililopo kwenye dictionary kwenye sehemu ya password.
So kwa mfano username yako ni “givenality”(ambayo inaonekana na kila mtu, obviously), mtu ataenda kwenye login na kuandika kwenye sehemu ya username “givenality” na kwenye sehemu ya password atafungulia hiyo tool ambayo itajaribu kila neno kwenye dictionary. Unaona ninachomaanisha eeh?
Na ndio maana nashauri kamwe usitumie neno lililo sahihi gramatically (kosea hata spelling kwa makusudi!). Personally nimeiboresha hii tool na inajaribu mpaka maneno ya kiswahili na aina za vyakula, mboga, etc (hehehe!)
But, does that mean hii password haiwezi kuwa nzuri zaidi? Mambo ya kuzingatia utengenezapo password ni haya:
Password nzuri inabidi ianzie herufi 8 kuendelea. Kadri password yako inavyozidi kuwa ndefu ndio kidogo strength inaongezeka na inamuwia vigumu mtu mwingine kuotea. Maneno mafupi kama “matairi” au “given” si salama kutumia kama password, be creative!
KAMWE! Epuka kabisa kutumia maneno yaliyozoeleka. Sio tu kwa sababu mtu anaweza kuotea kwa urahisi ila kwa sababu pengine sio mtu anayeotea, pengine ni computer. Kuna kitu fulani tunakiita “Dictionary Attack“, hii ni tool ambayo hujaribu KILA NENO lililopo kwenye dictionary kwenye sehemu ya password.
So kwa mfano username yako ni “givenality”(ambayo inaonekana na kila mtu, obviously), mtu ataenda kwenye login na kuandika kwenye sehemu ya username “givenality” na kwenye sehemu ya password atafungulia hiyo tool ambayo itajaribu kila neno kwenye dictionary. Unaona ninachomaanisha eeh?
Na ndio maana nashauri kamwe usitumie neno lililo sahihi gramatically (kosea hata spelling kwa makusudi!). Personally nimeiboresha hii tool na inajaribu mpaka maneno ya kiswahili na aina za vyakula, mboga, etc (hehehe!)
(jina la kwanza)
(jina la pili)
Ni jambo ya kawaida kwa watanzania wengi kutumia password either majina ya watoto wao, mwaka wa kuzaliwa, mke/mume/ au majina yake mawili. Si salama. Kwanini? Ni kwa sababu yule jirani yako akitaka kuingia kwenye account yako password za kwanza atakazojaribu ni hizo.
Baada ya kuzingatia hivyo, twende sasa kwenye mbinu za kutengeneza password nzuri.
1. Tunga mpangilio wa maneno/sentensi, kisha cheza nao Fikiria kuhusu sentensi unayoweza kuikumbuka kirahisi (relax, hatutatumia sentensi yote). Kwa mfano:
“Katika watanzania ambao hawajawahi kupanda ndege mimi nimo”
Ukishapata sentensi kama hiyo chukua herufi ya kwanza ya kila neno kwenye sentensi. Hivyo:
Sasa hivi imeanza kuwa nzuri na inayokumbukika, na ina herufi 8!
Password yetu “kwahkdnm” ni nzuri, na kufikia hapo, Dictionary-attack haiwezi kuipata (wala yangu niliyoboresha haiwezi pia!) ila tunaweza kuboresha zaidi na namba. Unaweza kuweka namba labda mwanzoni, mwishoni, au hata katikati. Mfano;
Password ni ile ile ila nimeongeza namba 123 mwanzoni, katikati, na mwishoni. Nimeanza na namba, nikaandika herufi 4, nikaweka namba tena, kisha nikaandika herufi zilizobaki, na nikamalizia na namba tena! Kuna ambaye anaweza kuotea hiyo? Ukiachilia namba 123, unaweza weka mwaka wa kuzaliwa au namba mgongoni za wachezaji wa simba/yanga unaowapenda, baadhi ya tarakimu kwenye namba yako ya simu, n.k.
(jina la kwanza)
(jina la pili)
Ni jambo ya kawaida kwa watanzania wengi kutumia password either majina ya watoto wao, mwaka wa kuzaliwa, mke/mume/ au majina yake mawili. Si salama. Kwanini? Ni kwa sababu yule jirani yako akitaka kuingia kwenye account yako password za kwanza atakazojaribu ni hizo.
Baada ya kuzingatia hivyo, twende sasa kwenye mbinu za kutengeneza password nzuri.
1. Tunga mpangilio wa maneno/sentensi, kisha cheza nao Fikiria kuhusu sentensi unayoweza kuikumbuka kirahisi (relax, hatutatumia sentensi yote). Kwa mfano:
“Katika watanzania ambao hawajawahi kupanda ndege mimi nimo”
Ukishapata sentensi kama hiyo chukua herufi ya kwanza ya kila neno kwenye sentensi. Hivyo:
Sasa hivi imeanza kuwa nzuri na inayokumbukika, na ina herufi 8!
Password yetu “kwahkdnm” ni nzuri, na kufikia hapo, Dictionary-attack haiwezi kuipata (wala yangu niliyoboresha haiwezi pia!) ila tunaweza kuboresha zaidi na namba. Unaweza kuweka namba labda mwanzoni, mwishoni, au hata katikati. Mfano;
Password ni ile ile ila nimeongeza namba 123 mwanzoni, katikati, na mwishoni. Nimeanza na namba, nikaandika herufi 4, nikaweka namba tena, kisha nikaandika herufi zilizobaki, na nikamalizia na namba tena! Kuna ambaye anaweza kuotea hiyo? Ukiachilia namba 123, unaweza weka mwaka wa kuzaliwa au namba mgongoni za wachezaji wa simba/yanga unaowapenda, baadhi ya tarakimu kwenye namba yako ya simu, n.k.
Kama umeridhika kufikia hatua ya pili, ni sawa pia. Lakini kama unataka
yenye nguvu, tuendelee. Sasa, unaweza weka zile alama zitumiwazo mara
chache sana. Labda kama asilimia (%) au kiulizo (?) au dola ($). Mimi
nitatumia mshangao (!). Hivyo basi;
Notice nimeweka alama ya mshangao katikati baada ya namba “2″.
Imetulia. Unaweza kuendelea? Twende!
Hii ndio hatua ya mwisho itakayopendezesha password. Changanya herufi kubwa na ndogo. Unaweza kuamua haerufi ya kwanza na ya mwisho ziwe kubwa. Mfano;
Kuna mtu dunia hii anaweza kuotea password hiyo?
Sasa password yetu imekamilika!!
Kama wewe huwezi kukumbuka password ya namna hiyo basi tumia njia hii ambayo ni salama pia, lakini sio kama ya kwanza kwa sababu hauna tarakimu:
1.Tafuta Maneno Mawili Mafupi
Kama hatua za juu ni ngumu au huwezi kumudu kukumbuka namna hizo, tafuta maneno mawili mafupi au moja refu. Mfano:
“majani”, “mabichi”
Kisha yaunganishe hayo maneno, hence:
2. Replace baadhi ya herufi na namba
Chukua password yako, (in our case, “majanimabichi”) then katika baadhi ya herufi badilishana na namba. Mfano:-
Hapo juu herufi zote za “a” nimezibadilisha na namba “4″ (huwa nachukulia A na 4 zinafanana, so haitakuwa kazi kukumbuka). Pia i nimeibadilisha na 1. Password imekamilika! Unaweza ukawa mjanja na kuchanganya herufi kubwa na ndogo ili iwe ngumu zaidi.
Kwa mimi ningeshauri utumie njia ya kwanza kwa sababu ndio nzuri zaidi. Itaichukua computer muda mrefu zaidi kubashiri password iliyotengenezwa kwa njia ya kwanza kuliko ya pili.
Notice nimeweka alama ya mshangao katikati baada ya namba “2″.
Imetulia. Unaweza kuendelea? Twende!
Hii ndio hatua ya mwisho itakayopendezesha password. Changanya herufi kubwa na ndogo. Unaweza kuamua haerufi ya kwanza na ya mwisho ziwe kubwa. Mfano;
Kuna mtu dunia hii anaweza kuotea password hiyo?
Sasa password yetu imekamilika!!
Kama wewe huwezi kukumbuka password ya namna hiyo basi tumia njia hii ambayo ni salama pia, lakini sio kama ya kwanza kwa sababu hauna tarakimu:
1.Tafuta Maneno Mawili Mafupi
Kama hatua za juu ni ngumu au huwezi kumudu kukumbuka namna hizo, tafuta maneno mawili mafupi au moja refu. Mfano:
“majani”, “mabichi”
Kisha yaunganishe hayo maneno, hence:
2. Replace baadhi ya herufi na namba
Chukua password yako, (in our case, “majanimabichi”) then katika baadhi ya herufi badilishana na namba. Mfano:-
Hapo juu herufi zote za “a” nimezibadilisha na namba “4″ (huwa nachukulia A na 4 zinafanana, so haitakuwa kazi kukumbuka). Pia i nimeibadilisha na 1. Password imekamilika! Unaweza ukawa mjanja na kuchanganya herufi kubwa na ndogo ili iwe ngumu zaidi.
Kwa mimi ningeshauri utumie njia ya kwanza kwa sababu ndio nzuri zaidi. Itaichukua computer muda mrefu zaidi kubashiri password iliyotengenezwa kwa njia ya kwanza kuliko ya pili.

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Unaweza kuchagua ni kwa aina gani iPad yako ionyeshe video katika TV yako. Mipangilio (Setings) hutofautiana kutoka aina moja ya TV hadi nyingine

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More than 1,500 professionally designed and fully modifiable logo templates categorized by industry and interest and over 6,000 objects and shapes for making logos.

Users can easily create a new logo or edit the template logo via a handful of editing tools: scale, rotate, align, cut, group, add layers, adjust color, etc. Users also can add image effects such as shadow, blur, outline, filters, color mosaic, noise, sharp, swirl, texture etc to the logo created.
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To Make Mozilla Firefox Home Page Look Like Windows 8 Start Screen
We have already talked about getting Windows 8 Start screen in Windows
7 with the help of Rainmeter. If you have missed it, please check out
our how to get Windows 8 Start screen in Windows 7 guide to get one the
best features of Windows 8 in your current OS.
If you use Firefox as your primary browser, then we have a good news for
you! You can now give the all new Windows 8 Start screen look to your
Mozilla Firefox browser home page. A deviantart member has created HTML +
CSS + jQuery start page for Firefox.
How to set the Windows 8 Metro UI Start screen in Firefox:
# Download the zip pack and extract the contents to a New Folder on desktop or any other location.
# Now, open the index.htm file present in the new folder with Firefox browser.
# In Firefox browser, navigate to Tools and then Options.
# Under General, click Use Current Pages to set the newly opened index.htm as your Firefox home page.
By default, Windows 8 Start screen for Firefox (start page), lets you
access YouTube, Grooveshark, last.fm, Yahoo!, twiiter, facebook, BBC
News, CNN, and Google search with a click. You can customize this page
by editing source.xml file.
The zip pack of Windows 8 Start screen for Firefox includes a detailed
readme file to help you install and customize the new home page. Enjoy!
Remover 6.8.4 Build 2610 Full Patch | Free Download |
Remover aids in the removal of Malware – Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware,
Spyware – when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them
or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are
good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively
removing it. Trojan Remover is designed specifically
What Trojan Remover Does
- Trojan Remover examines all the system files, the Windows Registry and the programs and files loaded at boot time. The majority of malicious programs (once triggered) load this way.
- Trojan Remover scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Remover also checks to see if Windows loads Services which are hidden by Rootkit techniques and warns you if it finds any.
- For each identified Trojan Horse, Worm, or other malware, Trojan Remover pops up an alert screen which shows the file location and name; it offers to remove the program's reference from the system files and allows you to rename the file to stop its activation.
- Most modern Malware programs are memory-resident, which makes their de-activation more difficult. How many times have you been told to start your computer in 'Safe' mode, or even worse, in DOS? Trojan Remover does all this for you. When it finds Malware that is memory-resident, Trojan Remover automatically re-starts (on request) your system and completely DISABLES the Malware before Windows restarts.
- Trojan Remover writes a detailed logfile every time it performs a scan. This logfile contains information on which programs load at boot-time, and what (if any) actions Trojan Remover carried out. The logfile can be viewed and printed using Notepad.
- The FastScan component of Trojan Remover is set to automatically scan for Malware every time you start your PC (you can disable this if you wish). You can also run the FastScan manually any time you wish (START | Programs | Trojan Remover | FastScan). This FastScan checks all program-loading points - it is a quick and effective check for actively-loading malicious programs.
- You can scan the whole drive, or any directories on the drive, by selecting Scan a Drive/Directory from the main Trojan Remover menu.
- You can scan individual files and directories from within Windows Explorer.
- Trojan Remover incorporates an integral Updater allowing for quick and easy Database updates. You can use the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule automatic updates.
Difference Between Windows 7 & Windows 8
Over the last few months, we have covered a number of tips and guides on
Microsoft’s latest Windows operating system. Now that Windows 8 and
Windows 8 powered PCs and tablets are up for pre-order, many users are
asking one simple question: should I upgrade to Windows 8?
To get an answer for the above question, you need to first understand
the new features introduced with Windows 8 and difference between
Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Microsoft has introduced hundreds of new features with Windows 8 and
most of them are pretty good. While some features are big & quickly
noticeable, there are many features that come across as you start using
the new operating system.
The below chart breaks down key differences between Windows 7 and Windows 8:
Setting up a DHCP server in Windows 2003
The DHCP server assigns a client an IP address taken from a
predefined scope for a given amount of time. If an IP address is
required for longer than the lease has been set for, the client must
request an extension before the lease expires. If the client has not
requested an extension on the lease time, the IP address will be
considered free and can be assigned to another client. If the user
wishes to change IP address then they can do so by typing "ipconfig
/release", followed by "ipconfig /renew" in the command prompt. This
will remove the current IP address and request a new one. Reservations
can be defined on the DHCP server to allow certain clients to have their
own IP address (this will be discussed a little later on). Addresses
can be reserved for a MAC address or a host name so these clients will
have a fixed IP address that is configured automatically. Most Internet
Service Providers use DHCP to assign new IP addresses to client
computers when a customer connects to the internet - this simplifies
things at user level.
Installing the DHCP server is made quite easy in Windows 2003. By using the "Manage your server" wizard, you are able to enter the details you require and have the wizard set the basics for you. Open to "Manage your server" wizard, select the DHCP server option for the list of server roles and press Next.
You will be asked to enter the name and description of your scope.
Scope: A scope is a collection of IP addresses for computers on a subnet that use DHCP.
The DHCP Server itself contains an IP Address Database which holds all the IP addresses available for distribution. If the client (a member of the network with a Windows 2000 Professional/XP operating system, for example) has "obtain an IP address automatically" enabled in TCP/IP settings, then it is able to receive an IP address from the DHCP server.
The above diagram diplays a simple structure consisting of a DHCP server and a number of client computers on a network.
Setting up a DHCP Server
This will serve as a step-by-step guide on how to setup a DHCP server.Installing the DHCP server is made quite easy in Windows 2003. By using the "Manage your server" wizard, you are able to enter the details you require and have the wizard set the basics for you. Open to "Manage your server" wizard, select the DHCP server option for the list of server roles and press Next.
You will be asked to enter the name and description of your scope.
Scope: A scope is a collection of IP addresses for computers on a subnet that use DHCP.
The next window will ask you to define the range of addresses that the scope will distribute across the network and the subnet mask for the IP address. Enter the appropriate details and click next.
You are shown a window in which you must add any exclusions
to the range of IP addresses you specified in the previous window. If
for example, the IP address is that of the company router
then you won't want the DHCP server to be able to distribute that
address as well. In this example I have excluded a range of IP
addresses, to, and a single address,
In this case, eleven IP's will be reserved and not distributed amongst
the network clients.
It is now time to set the lease duration for how long a
client can use an IP address assigned to it from this scope. It is
recommended to add longer leases for a fixed network (in the office for
example) and shorter leases for remote connections or laptop computers.
In this example I have set a lease duration of twelve hours since the
network clients would be a fixed desktop computer in a local office and
the usual working time is eight hours.
You are given a choice of whether or not you wish to
configure the DHCP options for the scope now or later. If you choose Yes
then the upcoming screenshots will be of use to you. Choosing No will
allow you to configure these options at a later stage.
The router, or gateway, IP address may be entered in next. The client computers will then know which router to use.
In the following window, the DNS and domain name settings
can be entered. The DNS server IP address will be distributed by the
DHCP server and given to the client.
If you have WINS setup then here is where to enter the IP
Address of the WINS server. You can just input the server name into the
appropriate box and press "Resolve" to allow it to find the IP address
The last step is to activate the scope - just press next
when you see the window below. The DHCP server will not work unless you
do this.
The DHCP server has now been installed with the basic
settings in place. The next stage is to configure it to the needs of
your network structure.
Configuring a DHCP server
Hereunder is a simple explanation of how to configure a DHCP server.
The address pool displays a list of IP ranges assigned for
distribution and IP address exclusions. You are able to add an exclusion
by right clicking the address pool text on the left hand side of the
mmc window and selecting "new exclusion range". This will bring up a
window (as seen below) which will allow you to enter an address range to
be added. Entering only the start IP will add a single IP address.
DHCP servers permit you to reserve an IP address for a client. This means that the specific network client will have the same IP for as long as you wanted it to. To do this you will have to know the physical address (MAC) of each network card. Enter the reservation name, desired IP address, MAC address and description - choose whether you want to support DHCP or BOOTP and press add. The new reservation will be added to the list. As an example, I have reserved an IP address ( for a client computer called Andrew.
If you right click scope options and press "configure
options" you will be taken to a window in which you can configure more
servers and their parameters. These settings will be distributed by the
DHCP server along with the IP address. Server options act as a default
for all the scopes in the DHCP server. However, scope options take
preference over server options.
In my opinion, the DHCP server in Windows 2003 is
excellent! It has been improved from the Windows 2000 version and is
classified as essential for large networks. Imagine having to configure
each and every client manually - it would take up a lot of time and
require far more troubleshooting if a problem was to arise. Before
touching any settings related to DHCP, it is best to make a plan of your
network and think about the range of IPs to use for the computers.
Shrinking the system partition by using the command line
Extending a partition or volume can be done via the CLI, or command line interface. In order to do that perform the following steps:1. Click Start and type CMD, then press Enter. It is best to run the Command Prompt as an Administrator. To do so, right-click CMD and select "Run as Administrator".
BTW, you can also hover over the CMD line and press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to invoke the "Run as Administrator" shortcut.
2. In the command prompt type
Diskpart3. Select the right disk drive and partition to work on. Typically, in Windows 7, this should be disk 0 and partition 2, but please make sure you do select the right disk and partition before continuing. You can do so by performing a LIST operation to view your existing disks and partitions BEFORE attempting to expand the wrong partition.
List disk
Select disk 0
List partition
Select partition 2

4. When the right disk and partitions were selected, run the SHRINK command which reduces the size of the volume with focus by the specified amount, and makes free disk space available from unused space at the end of the volume.
SHRINK has some parameters we need to talk about:
DESIRED=<N> - Specifies the desired amount of space in megabytes (MB) to reduce the size of the volume by. If a desired amount is not specified, the volume will be reduced by the maximum amount of free space available on the volume.
MINIMUM=<N> - Specifies the minimum amount of space in MB to reduce the size of the volume by.
QUERYMAX - Returns the maximum number of bytes that the volume can be reduced by (the free space available on the volume). This value may change if applications are currently accessing the volume.
If a MINIMUM amount is not specified, the volume will be reduced by either the DESIRED amount (if specified), or by the maximum amount of free space available on the volume. If a MINIMUM amount is specified but not enough free space is available, the command will fail. This command works on basic volumes, and on simple or spanned dynamic volumes. You can reduce the size of a volume only if it is formatted using the NTFS file system or if it does not have a file system.
Shrink QUERYMAXThe above command will return the maximum number of bytes that the volume can be reduced.

shrink DESIRED=500 MINIMUM=250Will shrink the partition by 500 MB, if possible, and if it cannot shrink by 500 MB, it will at least attempt to shrink it by 250 MB.
shrink DESIRED=10000Will shrink the partition by 10000 MB.

5. You may check the new partition size by running the list command, again.
List partition

6. You must now exit DISKPART by using the Exit command.
Shrinking the system partition by using the GUI
1. Log on as an Administrator.2. Go to Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. You can also open the Computer Management application by using the Computer context menu. Select Computer Management.

In fact, you can go directly to the Disk Management MMC snap-in by typing diskmgmt.msc in the Start's search box or on the Run command.

If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
3. Expand the Storage section, and in it go to the Disk Management console.

4. Select the disk you want to shrink, for example Drive C.
5. Right-click the disk and select Shrink Volume.

6. Process will take a few moments, while the system is looking at the partition structure. Note that it would be best to make sure that that partition was properly defragmented prior to trying to shrink it.

7. When calculation is done, the UI will display the largest amount of space that can be trimmed from the selected partition. Please note, again, that this size is related to the actual amount of free space on that partition (i.e. you cannot shrink more that there is free space), and the amount of file fragmentation on that partition.

Enter the amount in MB and click on the Shrink button.

8. The process will finish quite quickly, and a reboot is NOT required. You can notice the new partition size. Also note that you now have a remaining unused part on the hard drive.

There are a lot of PC users that know little about "Spyware",
"Mal-ware", "hijackers", "Dialers" & many more. This will help you
avoid pop-ups, spammers and all those baddies.
What is spy-ware?
Spy-ware is Internet jargon for Advertising Supported software (Ad-ware). It is a way for shareware authors to make money from a product, other than by selling it to the users. There are several large media companies that offer them to place banner ads in their products in exchange for a portion of the revenue from banner sales. This way, you don't have to pay for the software and the developers are still getting paid. If you find the banners annoying, there is usually an option to remove them, by paying the regular licensing fee.
Known spywares
There are thousands out there, new ones are added to the list everyday. But here are a few:
Alexa, Aureate/Radiate, BargainBuddy, ClickTillUWin, Conducent Timesink, Cydoor, Comet Cursor, eZula/KaZaa Toptext, Flashpoint/Flashtrack, Flyswat, Gator, GoHip, Hotbar, ISTbar, Lions Pride Enterprises/Blazing Logic/Trek Blue, Lop (C2Media), Mattel Brodcast, Morpheus, NewDotNet, Realplayer, Songspy, Xupiter, Web3000, WebHancer, Windows Messenger Service.
How to check if a program has spyware?
The is this Little site that keeps a database of programs that are known to install spyware.
Check Here: http://www.spywareguide.com/product_search.php
If you would like to block pop-ups (IE Pop-ups).
There tons of different types out there, but these are the 2 best, i think.
Try: Google Toolbar (http://toolbar.google.com/) This program is Free
Try: AdMuncher (http://www.admuncher.com) This program is Shareware
If you want to remove the "spyware" try these.
Try: Lavasoft Ad-Aware (http://www.lavasoftusa.com/) This program is Free
Info: Ad-aware is a multi spyware removal utility, that scans your memory, registry and hard drives for known spyware components and lets you remove them. The included backup-manager lets you reinstall a backup, offers and multi language support.
Try: Spybot-S&D (http://www.safer-networking.org/) This program is Free
Info: Detects and removes spyware of different kinds (dialers, loggers, trojans, user tracks) from your computer. Blocks ActiveX downloads, tracking cookies and other threats. Over 10,000 detection files and entries. Provides detailed information about found problems.
Try: BPS Spyware and Adware Remover (http://www.bulletproofsoft.com/spyware-remover.html) This program is Shareware
Info: Adware, spyware, trackware and big brotherware removal utility with multi-language support. It scans your memory, registry and drives for known spyware and lets you remove them. Displays a list and lets you select the items you'd like to remove.
Try: Spy Sweeper v2.2 (http://www.webroot.com/wb/products/spysweeper/index.php) This program is Shareware
Info: Detects and removes spyware of different kinds (dialers, loggers, trojans, user tracks) from your computer.
The best scanner out there, and updated all the time.
Try: HijackThis 1.97.7 (http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/downloads.html) This program is Freeware
Info: HijackThis is a tool, that lists all installed browser add-on, buttons, startup items and allows you to inspect them, and optionally remove selected items.
If you would like to prevent "spyware" being install.
Try: SpywareBlaster 2.6.1 (http://www.wilderssecurity.net/spywareblaster.html) This program is Free
Info: SpywareBlaster doesn`t scan and clean for so-called spyware, but prevents it from being installed in the first place. It achieves this by disabling the CLSIDs of popular spyware ActiveX controls, and also prevents the installation of any of them via a webpage.
Try: SpywareGuard 2.2 (http://www.wilderssecurity.net/spywareguard.html) This program is Free
Info: SpywareGuard provides a real-time protection solution against so-called spyware. It works similar to an anti-virus program, by scanning EXE and CAB files on access and alerting you if known spyware is detected.
Try: XP-AntiSpy (http://www.xp-antispy.org/) This program is Free
Info: XP-AntiSpy is a small utility to quickly disable some built-in update and authentication features in WindowsXP that may rise security or privacy concerns in some people.
Try: SpySites (http://camtech2000.net/Pages/SpySites_Prog...ml#SpySitesFree) This program is Free
Info: SpySites allows you to manage the Internet Explorer Restricted Zone settings and easily add entries from a database of 1500+ sites that are known to use advertising tracking methods or attempt to install third party software.
If you would like more Information about "spyware".
Check these sites.
Usefull tools...
Try: Stop Windows Messenger Spam 1.10 (http://www.jester2k.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/j...r2ksoftware.htm) This program is Free
Info: "Stop Windows Messenger Spam" stops this Service from running and halts the spammers ability to send you these messages.
All these softwares will help remove and prevent evil spammers and spywares attacking your PC. I myself recommend getting "spyblaster" "s&d spybot" "spy sweeper" & "admuncher" to protect your PC. A weekly scan is also recommended
Free Virus Scan
Scan for spyware, malware and keyloggers in addition to viruses, worms and trojans. New threats and annoyances are created faster than any individual can keep up with.
http://defender.veloz.com// - 15k
Finding . is a Click Away at 2020Search.com
Having trouble finding what you re looking for on: .? 2020Search will instantly provide you with the result you re looking for by drawing on some of the best search engines the Internet has to offer. Your result is a click away!
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Download the BrowserVillage Toolbar.
Customize your Browser! Eliminate Pop-up ads before they start, Quick and easy access to the Web, and much more. Click Here to Install Now!
http://www.browservillage.com/ - 36k
What is spy-ware?
Spy-ware is Internet jargon for Advertising Supported software (Ad-ware). It is a way for shareware authors to make money from a product, other than by selling it to the users. There are several large media companies that offer them to place banner ads in their products in exchange for a portion of the revenue from banner sales. This way, you don't have to pay for the software and the developers are still getting paid. If you find the banners annoying, there is usually an option to remove them, by paying the regular licensing fee.
Known spywares
There are thousands out there, new ones are added to the list everyday. But here are a few:
Alexa, Aureate/Radiate, BargainBuddy, ClickTillUWin, Conducent Timesink, Cydoor, Comet Cursor, eZula/KaZaa Toptext, Flashpoint/Flashtrack, Flyswat, Gator, GoHip, Hotbar, ISTbar, Lions Pride Enterprises/Blazing Logic/Trek Blue, Lop (C2Media), Mattel Brodcast, Morpheus, NewDotNet, Realplayer, Songspy, Xupiter, Web3000, WebHancer, Windows Messenger Service.
How to check if a program has spyware?
The is this Little site that keeps a database of programs that are known to install spyware.
Check Here: http://www.spywareguide.com/product_search.php
If you would like to block pop-ups (IE Pop-ups).
There tons of different types out there, but these are the 2 best, i think.
Try: Google Toolbar (http://toolbar.google.com/) This program is Free
Try: AdMuncher (http://www.admuncher.com) This program is Shareware
If you want to remove the "spyware" try these.
Try: Lavasoft Ad-Aware (http://www.lavasoftusa.com/) This program is Free
Info: Ad-aware is a multi spyware removal utility, that scans your memory, registry and hard drives for known spyware components and lets you remove them. The included backup-manager lets you reinstall a backup, offers and multi language support.
Try: Spybot-S&D (http://www.safer-networking.org/) This program is Free
Info: Detects and removes spyware of different kinds (dialers, loggers, trojans, user tracks) from your computer. Blocks ActiveX downloads, tracking cookies and other threats. Over 10,000 detection files and entries. Provides detailed information about found problems.
Try: BPS Spyware and Adware Remover (http://www.bulletproofsoft.com/spyware-remover.html) This program is Shareware
Info: Adware, spyware, trackware and big brotherware removal utility with multi-language support. It scans your memory, registry and drives for known spyware and lets you remove them. Displays a list and lets you select the items you'd like to remove.
Try: Spy Sweeper v2.2 (http://www.webroot.com/wb/products/spysweeper/index.php) This program is Shareware
Info: Detects and removes spyware of different kinds (dialers, loggers, trojans, user tracks) from your computer.
The best scanner out there, and updated all the time.
Try: HijackThis 1.97.7 (http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/downloads.html) This program is Freeware
Info: HijackThis is a tool, that lists all installed browser add-on, buttons, startup items and allows you to inspect them, and optionally remove selected items.
If you would like to prevent "spyware" being install.
Try: SpywareBlaster 2.6.1 (http://www.wilderssecurity.net/spywareblaster.html) This program is Free
Info: SpywareBlaster doesn`t scan and clean for so-called spyware, but prevents it from being installed in the first place. It achieves this by disabling the CLSIDs of popular spyware ActiveX controls, and also prevents the installation of any of them via a webpage.
Try: SpywareGuard 2.2 (http://www.wilderssecurity.net/spywareguard.html) This program is Free
Info: SpywareGuard provides a real-time protection solution against so-called spyware. It works similar to an anti-virus program, by scanning EXE and CAB files on access and alerting you if known spyware is detected.
Try: XP-AntiSpy (http://www.xp-antispy.org/) This program is Free
Info: XP-AntiSpy is a small utility to quickly disable some built-in update and authentication features in WindowsXP that may rise security or privacy concerns in some people.
Try: SpySites (http://camtech2000.net/Pages/SpySites_Prog...ml#SpySitesFree) This program is Free
Info: SpySites allows you to manage the Internet Explorer Restricted Zone settings and easily add entries from a database of 1500+ sites that are known to use advertising tracking methods or attempt to install third party software.
If you would like more Information about "spyware".
Check these sites.
Usefull tools...
Try: Stop Windows Messenger Spam 1.10 (http://www.jester2k.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/j...r2ksoftware.htm) This program is Free
Info: "Stop Windows Messenger Spam" stops this Service from running and halts the spammers ability to send you these messages.
All these softwares will help remove and prevent evil spammers and spywares attacking your PC. I myself recommend getting "spyblaster" "s&d spybot" "spy sweeper" & "admuncher" to protect your PC. A weekly scan is also recommended
Free Virus Scan
Scan for spyware, malware and keyloggers in addition to viruses, worms and trojans. New threats and annoyances are created faster than any individual can keep up with.
http://defender.veloz.com// - 15k
Finding . is a Click Away at 2020Search.com
Having trouble finding what you re looking for on: .? 2020Search will instantly provide you with the result you re looking for by drawing on some of the best search engines the Internet has to offer. Your result is a click away!
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Download the BrowserVillage Toolbar.
Customize your Browser! Eliminate Pop-up ads before they start, Quick and easy access to the Web, and much more. Click Here to Install Now!
http://www.browservillage.com/ - 36k
How to Hack a Mobile Phone Using Super Bluetooth Hack

Once connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can:
- read his messages
- read his contacts
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best, "Call from his phone" it includes all call functions like hold etc.
- And much much more ...
How to install:
- Download the Super Bluetooth Hack
- Unzip the file and send it to your mobile phone.
- Install the software in your mobile phone.
- Inquire new devices through the software.
- When connecting devices use a code 0000
Super Bluetooth Hack With the program you can do things on the other phone such as: - read SMS messages - read contacts - change profile - play ringtone (even if phone is on silent) - play songs - restart the phone - turn off the phone - restore factory settings - change ringing volume - call from the other phone (it includes all call functions like hold etc.) Notes: 1.) When connecting devices use the code 0000 2.) At start of programm on smartphones do not forget to turn on bluetooth before start of the application 3.) You have to download the file with Firefox, because Internet Explorer makes it a .zip file. If you don't want to download Firefox, you have to change the extension of the file from ".zip" to ".jar". If you downloaded the file as a ".zip" file, here is explained how to change it to a ".jar" file: With Windows: 1. Go to Start - Computer 2. In the menubar, go to: Tools - Folder Options... (With Windows Vista, you have to push the "Alt" key before you can see the "Tools" menu) 3. Go to "View", and than deselect the mark from "Hide extentions for known file types". 4. Then search for your "SuperBluetoothHack_v108.zip" file. Now change the last part from ".zip" to ".jar", and confirm it. 5. Now you can send it to your phone and open it. Installation instructions for a Sony Ericsson using a USB cable: 1. Connect your phone with your computer. 2. It mounts as a disk. 3. Drag the file that you have just downloaded (SuperBluetoothHack_v108.jar) to /MSSEMC/Media files/other/ on that disk (=your phone). 4. Disconnect the USB cable from your phone. 5. Go to the folder "Other" on your phone. 6. There is the application. Select it and click "Install". 7. The program is installed on the place you specified. Most likely it's the Applications folder. Change the language to English: If the software starts with the language "Slovencina", you can change it to English on this way: 1.If you start the application for the first time you see "Nastavenia" in the title. 2. Go a bit down until you see "Jazyk". 3. Click choose. 4. Select "English". 5. Click "More". 6. Click "Spat". 7. Now the program is in English.
How to Recover Deleted SMS from SIM or Phone Memory
Have you deleted SMS messages that you wish had not gotten deleted? You will be happy to know there are a number of different software that can help you recover the messages you need and want, but not all of them are free and you need to purchase the software. However, if you own a Nokia phone you might be in luck, as there are very good chances of message recovery from your cellphone without need of any specialized data recovery software for free. In this tutorial I will explain, what are the steps to be followed in order to recover deleted SMS from a SIM card or phone memory.

1. First of all download and install FExplorer, excellent file manager and also sends files via bluetooth.

2. Launch FExplorer and navigate to C: if you use Phone Memory to store your messages (default) and D: if you use Storage Card as your SMS storage location.
3. Now navigate to and open "system" folder.
4. Now open the "mail" folder.
5. This folder should contain many folders named similar to 0010001_s etc. with files named similar to 00100000 etc. These files are the actual deleted messages. Simply, use the FExplorer inbuild text viewer to view these files. You will need to browse through every folder and open all files inside them until you get the required SMS.
Thsi tool includes more great fetures like:
- Cut, copy & paste files
- Check date modified & size
- Display free space available
- View file with inbuilt text viewer
- Cut, copy, create & paste directories
- File find. (although this only works within a directory)
- Take screenshots
- Set your backlight to be permanently on
- Send files via bluetooth. (may be necessary to rename .sis to .sis_)
- Compress memory - increasing available free memory ...and much more.
Check for updates of FExplorer here.
How can I find out the Administrator password in Windows 7?
we are going to have deal with as one of our common annoyances for some
time to come. Their necessary evil provides another layer of protection
for your bank, your online shopping, your tax software and of course
the entire operating system. We have so many passwords these days, that
we have websites and password managers like LockCrypt and Clipperz, dedicated solely at helping you manage your passwords.
with the ability to store and retrieve your security, it does no good
if the operating system is inaccessible. Ignoring your PC for a few
years, removing a computer from a domain, or simply needing
administrative rights on a PC are just a few reasons that the admin
password may need to be reset. With Microsoft’s improved security over
the last few years, it became more difficult to resent Windows
administrator password. However, there are still several ways to get
around it and I am bringing you three of the easiest ways to reset
forgotten windows password for XP, Vista and Server 2003.
1. Reset Windows Admin Password with Ubuntu
has become, far and away, the most popular distribution of Linux in the
world. Its ease of installation and use makes it the ‘go to’ operating
system for an open source alternative. In this case you don’t even have
to install the OS. You simply use the Live CD that is included with the
burned ISO of Ubuntu.
Here are the instructions for resetting the Windows administrator password using Ubuntu Linux.
(Internet Connection Required)
1. Go to Ubuntu and download the latest ISO of the operating system.
2. Use one of the free ISO burning applications to create a bootable Ubuntu CD. Of course you’ll need another PC in order to do this.
3. Use the Live Ubuntu CD to boot into the live version of the OS.

4. Go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager.
5. Then Settings>Repositories
Once the ‘Software Sources’ window appears, make sure you select
‘Software restricted by copyright or legal issues’, then click close.

7. Click reload on synaptic package manager.
8. Click Search, and type in ‘chntpw’.
9. Once the ‘chntpw’ app is found, right-click on it and ‘mark for installation’.

10. Click “Apply on Summary Window” and also to confirm changes.
an internet connection is required for the above steps. If there is no
availability for a connection, a USB flash drive will be required.**
12. Next, we must mount the Windows drive. In Ubuntu, go to Places> Select the appropriate drive.

13. The final step of the process is actually resetting the password via the Linux terminal.
14. In Ubuntu go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal.
15. Type ‘cd /media/disk/WINDOWS/system32/config/’ in the terminal window.
16. Type ‘sudo chntpw SAM’
This by default will change the Administrator password. If you would
prefer to change a particular user. Type ‘sudo chntpw -u username SAM’.
18. Afterwards, you’ll see a long display of information, most of which can be ignored.
19. The next step is to actually reset the windows password. It is recommended to make the password blank with an asterisk * .
20. You’ll then have to confirm the change with a Y, and reboot.
PreInstalled Environment has been a popular method on offline
troubleshooting for Windows System Administrators for some time now
whether it be for disk recovery, malware removal or in this instance,
password removal. It’s a bootable operating system, just like the Ubuntu
Live CD, but with more of a Windows-like feel.
Below are the instructions for using a small EXE file called Password Renew within the PE environment.

(XP CD Required – If your Windows drive is SATA, you may need to follow additional instructions on the PEBuilder site)
1. Go Bart’s website and download the ISO for the PreInstalled Environment.
2. Download Password Renew.
Open PEBuilder and for the Windows directory, select the location of
the i386 directory on your XP disk. Under the custom directory, select
the directory that holds the PasswordRenew.exe file. Select a title for
your CD and finally create a name for your ISO file. I’d recommend
creating an ISO over burning directly to the CD, because of problems
that may arise.

4. Browse to the A43 File Management Utility.
5. Once there, you should browse your CD drive and find your custom directory created in step three.
6. Open Password Renew.

7. This program is very straight forward. Simply press ‘Select Target’ and browse to your Windows directory.
Once there, you can will see options to reset a password, create a new
administrator or convert a current user to an administrator.
9. You will then have the option to install there after.
10. Reboot, and changes will be applied.
NT Password Disk is a very simple and very fast command line Linux tool
to reset your forgotten Windows administrator password. At the time of
this writing the site was down, hence the Google Cache link.
1. Download the bootable CD image.
2. Burn the ISO to a CD with one of the ISO burning applications, as we stated before.
3. Boot up your PC with the bootable CD.
4. Drivers for both SATA and IDE drivers typically load automatically.
5. Select the location of your Windows Operating System.
6. Select windows/system32/config as your directory.
7. Select “Password Reset” as your option.
8. I would recommend to reset as a ‘blank password’. This works best.
9. Once blanked, press ‘q’ to quit and write the values to the registry.
you can see, the dread of forgetting your Windows administrator
password can typically be put behind you. These are just a few of the
options to reset that hard to remember nemesis, but they are a few of
the simplest.
Give us some of your best options for resetting your Windows passwords.
Use Kaspersky internet security 2012 Lifetime without license key:-
- First of all disconnect your internet connection and Remove modem or Disconnect that Ethernet Cable. it is very necessary that to get lifetime Key of Kasper sky internet security 2012 .(copy this post and save it to notepad)
- Delete the existing key (If You Have)
- Now Open Kaspersky 2012 product Then Click on (Either KIS or KAV) settings
- Un-check the “Enable protection” Check box
- Go Then “Options’ In the settings window itself , And uncheck Below Line
- a) “Enable Self-Defense”
- ”Disable External service control”
- Goto Start>Run>Type “regedit”>
From Right list >> double click on “ProductStatus”
Then , in the “Value Data” Field . replace “Released” with “Beta” and click OK
- Now again Open Kaspersky 2012 product And Go settings Now Check Below these check boxes :-
- i)”Enable protection” (In “Protection” sub menu)
- ii)”Enable Self-Defense” (In “Options” sub menu)
- iii)”Disable External service control” (In “Options” sub menu)
- Click on “OK”
- Close the error message saying that “Protection is not running” .
Couse ot Error massage that, you have not installed any key and the product is not registered also
- Restart your PC !
NOTE:- You must Restart your PC Other then it will not work properly
Now , after restart , Open Your Kaspersky product .
Then click On License” (Somewhat in the middle in the bottom)
Click on “Activate new license”
then click on “Activate Beta License”
then click on “Next”
From Now You will Not Blacklist you will get 30 Days Genuine Key .Just click on Activate beta license and click on .Next . That's it The kaspersky server will give u an new 30 days genuine key . So Enjoy!!!
How to Defrag a Hard Drive
A little preventative maintenance goes a long way when it comes to your Windows-based
PCs. All Windows operating systems come with tools that you can use to
help keep your computer running in top shape. One such tool is the Disk
Defragmenter (defragment), which works to optimize fragmented files on the hard disk drive.
Fragmentation describes the condition of your hard disk drive when
files are divided into pieces and scattered around the disk. Fragmentation occurs naturally when you use a disk frequently, just by doing basic tasks like creating, deleting and modifying files.
At some point, the operating system needs to store parts of a file in noncontiguous clusters. This is entirely invisible to you, but it can slow down the speed at which data is accessed because the disk drive must search through different parts of the disk to put together a single file. In a nutshell, the Disk Defragmenter will optimize a disk by unfragmenting the stored files.
Fragmentation describes the condition of your hard disk drive when
files are divided into pieces and scattered around the disk. Fragmentation occurs naturally when you use a disk frequently, just by doing basic tasks like creating, deleting and modifying files.
At some point, the operating system needs to store parts of a file in noncontiguous clusters. This is entirely invisible to you, but it can slow down the speed at which data is accessed because the disk drive must search through different parts of the disk to put together a single file. In a nutshell, the Disk Defragmenter will optimize a disk by unfragmenting the stored files.
How Disk Defragmenter Works
When you run the Disk Defragmenter it will perform several tasks. The application will locate fragments of files stored in different locations on the disk and then copy them into a single continuous file at a point on the disk that has enough free space. It then compares the two files and updates the Master File Table (MFT). After writing to the MFT, the Disk Defragmenter will then delete the old fragmented file and the MFT is again updated with the new free space information.How to Access the Disk Defragmenter
In Windows XP or Windows Vista you can access the Disk Defragmenter tool through the following steps:- Click Start, select All Programs, select Accessories, select System Tools, click Disk Defragmenter. (or)
- Open your Windows Explorer and view all drives. Right click on the drive you want to defragment and select Properties. In the Tools tab choose Disk Defragmenter.
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Screenshots showing how to access Disk Defragmenter in Windows Vista (above) and Windows XP.
(Click images for larger screens)
It May Take a While
The Disk Defragmenter tool can take anywhere from minutes to hours to run, depending on the size of your hard drive and also how fragmented the drive is. One way to run the Disk Defragmenter and not lose any computing time is to leave the system and run the Disk Defragmenter during a time when the system can be left on but is not be in use (e.g., 3 or 4 a.m.). You can simply use the steps above to launch Disk Defragmenter when your computing tasks are done for the day or you can have the Windows Task Scheduler automatically run the Disk Defragmenter on a certain day and time each week or month. In Windows XP or Windows Vista you can access the Task Scheduler tool through the following steps: Click Start, select All Programs, select Accessories, select System Tools, click Task Scheduler.Tips for Getting the Best Results
- Ensure you have no applications running when you start the Disk Defragmenter. If you system is accessing applications the Defragmenter will not stay running. Be sure to turn off your screensaver also.
- Delete your Temporary Internet Files and other files you do not use. You can also uninstall unused programs. In the Properties tab of your hard drive you can access "Disk Cleanup," which will help you get rid of unused and unnecessary files.
- Run the Disk Defragmenter at regular intervals. However you can also run the tool if you add a lot of files to the disk at one time or find you are running low on disk space.
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