Sehemu ya ndani chumbani kama inavyoonekana.
Picha/Habari:- kwa msaada wa Mashirika ya Habari.
bado ujasikia juu ya baadhi ya ndege ndogo, za kati na zile kubwa
zimekuja na mfumo mpya zaidi ndani ya ndege zao ikiwemo kutengeneza
chumba cha kifahari ndani ya ndege kiasi cha kujiona kama upo nyumbani
kwako kwenye jumba la kifahari.

ya Gulfstream G650, miongoni tu waliokuja na mfumo huo kwenye ndege
yao hiyo ya usafiri wa anga kifahari, lakini kuna wachache ambao
wanaweza kumudu zaidi ya hapo kwani kwa mteja atakayetaka kupata daraja
la ndege hizo atahitaji tiketi za VIP, kwa bei kubwa zaidi.

hivyo, mahitaji ya tiketi, Airbus na Boeing wameanza kuuza “VIP”
matoleo ya ndege yao chini ya Airbus Corporate Jet na Boeing daraja la
Biashara kwa ndege ndogo Airbus A320 na Boeing 737, ambazo zimekuja hivi
karibuni na mfumo huo mpya.
ya chumba hicho ni nyingi ila kikubwa ni pamoja na kitanda cha
kifahari, sehemu ya ofisi, chumba cha chakula, choo, sehemu ya
kujipumzikia pekee, sehemu ya kuwasiliana, sehemu ya kujiliwaza na mambo
mbalimbali kama inavyoonekana pichani.

most people, private jets such as the $65 million Gulfstream G650 or
the Bombardier Global Series are the epitome of luxury air travel, but
there are a select few who can afford more than that. They’re converting
airliners into private flying palaces. To meet this demand, Airbus and
Boeing have begun selling “VIP” versions of their airliners under the
Airbus Corporate Jet and Boeing Business Jet brands. While most of these
planes are based on smaller Airbus A320 series or Boeing 737 models,
one recent VIP conversion took luxury to a new level.

very lucky, very wealthy, and very confidential client took delivery of
a personalized Boeing 747-8, completed by Greenpoint Technologies of
Kirkland, Washington. Its incredible 4,786 sq. ft. of space features a
stateroom, lounges, an office, and a massive dining room.

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